
CP-602U-I Serie | 2 Ports CAN Interface Universal PCI Board


  • CAN 2.0A and CAN 2.0B supported
  • Two independent CAN communication ports
  • CAN transfer rate up to 1 Mbps
  • 2 kV electrical isolation
  • LED for transmit/receive status on each port
  • Optional 120 ohm terminal resistor for CAN bus network
  • DLL library and examples included
  • Windows driver provided


Moxa’s new CP-602U-I CAN (Controller Area Network) interface board supports the Universal PCI interface. As a stand-alone CAN controller, the CP-602U-I is a cost-effective solution that provides two active CAN controllers with a DB9 connector on the same board. The CP-602U-I CAN interface board uses the NXP SJA1000 and transceiver PCA82C251, which provide the bus arbitration and error detection. The -40 to 85°C wide operating temperature (CP-602U-I-T only) and 2 kV isolation make the boards suitable for use in harsh industrial environments.

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Artikel Downloads / Links Preis Anzahl
01030363 : CP-602U-I w/o Cable CHF 389.00
01030364 : CP-602U-I-T w/o Cable CHF 453.00

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